Friday, July 31, 2009

Elk Rapids? Accomplished

So I don't have a definite list of things I want to do before I die, but in my mind I know there are some things I have to accomplish to respect myself. One of them was handily executed this summer; moving to a place where I didn't know anybody and thriving.

White Birch Lodge is not really my kind of place- nowhere my family would have gone. We never went to Disney World because there was no beer in the magic kingdom, and I thought the saying was "it's noon somewhere" until I got to college and figured out everybody else waited until five. So WBL is a little too tame, to say the least. All this forced family bonding (square dance, sports night, water sports) would have made all of us uncomfortable. But I'm fitting in, miraculously, with all the people that grew up loving this place. (Even I love the scenery... Northern Michigan has to be one of the prettiest places in the world.)

I guess I've wormed my way into my typical societal role; I'm nobody's favorite, but everybody likes me a lot. Which is fine. But I'm overwhelmingly proud of myself- I feel like conquering one strange place proves my ability to go wherever the fuck I want. And I will.