Monday, August 3, 2009

New Friends

I love new friends. But this crazy place has brought to my attention that I'm missing out on a lot of people just because I never run into them.

For instance, this chick. Her name is Stephanie, and we get along super-well, and she's awesome. But even if she went to my school (which she doesn't) I never would have met her. She's in a sorority and plays college soccer; I'm the editor of a magazine and play risk on loserish friday nights. There's no way we would have ever collided.

Which actually just gives me a whole new reason to be suspicious of the greek system. Are they secretly stealing cool people and hiding them from me? Until now I'd assumed they were just stealing the kind of vapid chicks that formerly populated sites like, useful to me only when I needed quotes demonstrating how ill-informed student voters were. If they're stealing cool people we're going to have a problem. GDI all the way, homeslices.