Saturday, January 16, 2010

So all I've done recently (aside from the internship/class/work/running two organizations thing) is hang out with my cat.

I know that sounds lame, but this cat's legit. His name is Maverick (aka Mavvy or MavMav) and I can't get enough of him! I've skipped classes to play with him. He's a Maine Coon Cat, which means he's supposed to get HUGE! Right now he's just 7 months old though, so he's about normal cat size.

But I think seeing my true cat lady potential has weirded out my boyfriend and possibly some of my friends.

Realistically, I would be an awesome cat lady. I'm overweight and often hang out in a robe and slippers. My cat follows me around and sleeps next to me. I seem pretty destined to end up alone. And I knit.

The problem? My doctor. Apparently I'm pretty darn allergic to cats, and developed asthma recently, which isn't helping. So there's some kinks to work out. Aren't there hypoallergenic breeds of cats? I'm not sure. And, against doctor's orders, Maverick's here to stay. But come on... who could kick this cutie to the curb?


P.S. Also considering starting a non-profit called Kisses for Kitties. Joiners?