Saturday, May 16, 2009

Love Thrift.

Is there something ironic about visiting garage sales in your lincoln? My mom and I have been thrifting- something I love and something that confuses her. I LOVE thrifted clothes- see pictures. I guess just because nobody else will ever be wearing your ugly-ass black and white jacket with shoulder pads and a roman mural. It's handy. 

But we've been looking for FURNITURE, which is definitely my mom's realm. She missed her calling as a budget interior decorator. Anyway, I never know what's good to pay for furniture, but I think I have almost everything I need for my little house by campus next year! Garage sales have provided me with: 

couch & loveseat- $50
wine rack- $3
shower curtain & bathroom set- $5
ugly chair- $50
bed skirt & sheets- $5

So good job Mama Lawler. But along the way I managed to spend at least $20 on clothes & accessories, which was not part of our mission. On the plus side, I do own obnoxious purple heels now...